
We Are Thankful to Our Clients for Their
Love and Appreciation!

 “When our daughter turned 8 we had noticed she could read only very simple books that were intended for younger children. It seemed that she could not remember how to read simple words even after she had seen them several times before. When her brother who is two grades below her started to approach the same reading level we knew our daughter needed some extra help. We were introduced to Mrs. Sakina Khan who did an assessment and very clearly explained to us what our daughter could read and spell and what her challenges were. She also explained how she could help our daughter by using the Orton-Gillingham approach. Fast forward one year in which she has worked with Mrs. Sakina 2 hours per week, our daughter is almost finished reading (voluntarily) her first chapter book with over 100 pages!  Mrs. Sakina is a very professional, approachable and personable teacher and my daughter loves her. Some days when my daughter is reluctant to start the class (now over Zoom) I only need to get her in the hearing range of Sakina who then manages to calm her down and get her to sit at the computer and work with her. I am truly impressed with the way Sakina works, how she relates to my daughter and the progress she has made as a result. When I asked my daughter what makes Mrs. Sakina different from other teachers she said Mrs. Sakina makes it fun, she tells jokes and helps me a lot.”

- Judith Versloot - PhD

 “Our son is an intelligent college student who, like many young people, doesn't read books for pleasure. Mild ADHD runs in the family.  In his community college classes with heavier reading assignments, I noticed that he avoided reading his textbooks.  Instead, he used a "hunt and peck" method to find answers to his reading assignments.  A family member recommended the Orton-Gillingham method to help him become more efficient at reading.
Sakina Khan works well with young adults and aspiring professionals who wish to improve their learning efficiency.  Using an online format, she understands how to connect with this demographic. She does a very good job keeping the fun in the work while staying on task and getting the work done.  
My son looks forward to working with Sakina.  He is making good progress in his reading assignments, and there are fewer complaints about school!  He recently (and surprisingly!) decided to attend University after earning his Associate's Degree.  I give credit to Sakina for helping him to develop this new confidence, and to him for doing the exercises with Sakina, to improve his capabilities.  As a parent, I am very hopeful about his academic future.”

- Karen, USA

 “After going through a number of tutors for my 10-year-old dyslexic daughter without seeing much improvement, we finally found Sakina at Reading Resolved. My daughter started with Sakina about 4 months ago in September 2019. Up until seeing Sakina my daughter strongly resisted reading and became frustrated very quickly. 
Since she started tutoring with Sakina I have not only seen a huge difference in her confidence level and her interest in reading, but her reading and writing ability is already improving. About 2 months after starting tutoring, my daughter was planning her sleepover birthday party agenda. What I found brought me to tears. She had written her own party agenda and for the first time, I could understand what she had written. My next "wow" moment came when she recently received a 10th birthday card. She picked it up on her own accord and started reading the words on the card perfectly.

My next "wow" moment came when she recently received a 10th birthday card. She picked it up on her own accord and started reading the words on the card perfectly. My husband and I were in awe. She has come such a long way in her confidence and ability in just a few months. She has a lot of work still ahead and I wouldn't want anyone else guiding and teaching her other than Sakina. She is making a significant difference in Emily's life and I'm excited to see how my daughter will continue to develop her reading and writing skills moving forward. 
Sakina is a warm, welcoming tutor who makes my daughter feel comfortable to move at her own pace. She is fantastic at gauging the level of the child and making sure to keep the child learning at the right level for them, so as not to discourage them from pushing too far or too fast. Anyone would be lucky to get Sakina as their tutor. 

-Susan White

 “We have worked with Sakina Khan and Reading Resolved for many years.  My daughter is engaged in her lessons and I truly appreciate the style of teaching used by the instructors.  My daughter actually finds the lessons fun.  

They build comfortable relationships and use it as a platform for learning.  The attention paid to my daughter makes her feel cared for and has helped to build her confidence.  I have definitely seen a positive progression in her reading abilities. Reading Resolved has been a worthwhile investment in my daughter's success.”

-Ms. Amuna

 About 3 years ago I met Sakina and from our first meeting together my daughter immediately felt secure and comfortable to begin to learn. My daughter had difficulty beginning to read but within a few sessions, Sakina got her comfortable with sounding out small words. She was excellent in delivering content but more importantly, she was also excellent in managing my daughter's behaviour. Not only was she able to introduce her to new content and help to develop her literacy skill-set, but she also made my daughter feel safe, helped her to focus and now after just 3 short years with sessions twice a week, my daughter is now reading chapter books which was a dream of hers. I am so grateful to Sakina for her ability to balance delivering curriculum and being able to motivate my daughter to learn. She is such a kind, caring, loving and professional teacher. I  highly recommend her! 

Samira Raza-Qureshi  - High School Teacher, Toronto

 “Sakina and her program have made a big impact on the students that have been lucky enough to work with her. She is patient and caring, which immediately makes her students feel comfortable so they can meet their potential. Sakina finds fun ways to engage her students through fun games and activities which are also helping children learn. Most importantly, students get results and have success while participating in this program. It teaches the foundational skills which allow students to flourish in all areas of the curriculum while at school. Thank you Sakina for all of your amazing work!”

-Alanna Pomfret - Peel District School Board